Thursday, July 16, 2009

well that was fun

As I have said before, I have had some increased anxiety throughout this pregnancy. It has calmed down, but still there.
Last night I had dinner about 4, so I could eat with my husband before I went to work. After I went to work, I felt Austin kick as usual, and then I took a nap before work. Went to work, came home ect. I hadn't felt him move since 4ish, and he usually is a big mover. So I got all worried, tried laying on my side,ect nothing worked. I finally fell asleep, but woke up when Dan went to work. I decided to call the nurse, who told me I should come in.
So about 6am this morning, I went to Valley. The OB has a triage ect, so I was hooked up to a monitor, and I heard his heartbeat loud and clear. Sweet relief. So I laid there for a bit, and then they told me I was contracting and they wanted to monitor that. So I laid on my side and drank ice water for a half hour. Then they laid me on my back because Austin was moving and they had to make sure to continually listen to him ect. So the Dr. comes back in, and says they are going to give me a shot to calm my uterus down. Oh by the way, this will make your heart beat fast. OK great, thanks. I was also super nauseous. So I laid there for awhile, watching TV. Thankfully I could text Dan the whole time. Half hour later they told me contractions stopped (hallelujah) and I could go home, and rest for the day. So I came home and passed out for about three hours. Just had some lunch, he moved, although still not as much as I am used too. I suppose that's because he's getting bigger, and running out of room. I now have to count fetal movements.

I so didn't want to be the over dramatic pregnant woman, I was determined not to go to the hospital until it was time for him to come. I am mad at myself for being dramatic, but I also feel like I needed to follow my gut as it were.

I wish I was rich, I would lay in bed with one of those monitors on me at all times. Chances are I would probably freak out anyway, cause that's how I roll. I will be so grateful when he comes (and not until he's fully cooked), but I suppose that comes with a whole new can of worms. At least when he is here I can keep my hand on his chest at all times.

For now, I am going back to bed, and probably cuddle with one of my furry babies, if not all of them:)

1 comment:

  1. No worries, Cole, I've been to the dr/ob/l&d more times the second time around than I ever did with Bryce. Every baby is different, every pregnancy is different, and when it doubt, check it out! :)

    Glad to hear they got the contractions stopped! We're in the home stretch lady!
