Friday, September 18, 2009


I know that I have blogged Austin's birth story yet, and I will. I just have something else to get off of my chest.
So as you know I went on bed rest on 7/16. I had Austin on 9/3. I let HR know the situation and it turns I out I am a whopping 56 hours short so I am NOT eligable for FMLA. My HR response was if I thought that I wouldn't be eligable I should have made other arrangements.
HOW IN THE HELL WOULD I HAVE EVER THOUGHT I WOULDN"T BE ELIGABLE. Are you kidding me?????????????????????????
If I had known that it was 56 hours, I would have figured out how to plant my fat ass at work somehow. If I was eligable I would be able to stay home for up to 16 weeks after my 8 weeks of maternity disability.
On top of that the HR rep has been oh so great. She was great up until I clarified some things. She then said "perhaps I got confused when I went on bed rest".
I feel like I am being punished for doing the right thing and making sure my child came into this world healthy.
I am in tears because I am so frustrated.
So now I have to go back to work on 10/29. Which I realize is still more than a month away but I am so sad. I mean we can really afford for me to be off that much longer anyway, but this really fucking sucks. I did everything I was supposed to, dr notes, was proactive, everything. I am so not a proactive person to begin with.
So now I am trying to focus on the positives, although every day that goes by I don't see much that is positive.
I do thank god that my son is healthy and growing. He is beautiful and I love him so much.
I am lucky to have a great husband, and parents, and in laws. I am lucky to have a job.
So I am trying not to have a pity party, but man this is soooooooooo hard.