Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am normally not a person who is a positive thinker, I am a glass is half empty kinda gal. In the last month or so of my pregnancy I have realized how important it is to be positive. I figure it can't be good for me or my son to be negative all the time. I have experience extreme anxiety that I have never felt before in my life. So much so that I went back to my therapist. So I have decided that I need to be more positive and most importantly have faith. I feel like an alcoholic because I literally have to take it day by day, hour by hour. It is a conscious decision, and I am so not good at make a conscious decision and sticking with it. When it's not just about you anymore, it does make it easier. I am at the point of printing several signs that say faith and posting them at the house and work. Maybe I should tattoo it on myself....

Yesterday I fell off the wagon a little bit...My husband and I are having financial issues (who isn't) and I broke down yesterday and cried. I tried to do it in the bath so I wouldn't stress my husband more than he is, but alas we were talking and that's what did it for me. Thank god he's good at talking me off of a ledge, so to speak. I would not know what to do without my husband. He is been so good, and so patient with me, and believe me patience is not his strong suit.

So anyway, I am going out in the world today, hanging out with my BFF, and later my mom and my sister, and I am going to have faith a lot of it. Hopefully with no tears shed, although my hormones might have a different idea!!!


  1. Hang in there, Cole. What you're doing is a good thing and is great for your little man. We're always here if you need us, just a phone call away!

    Love you,

  2. I've printed out a mantra and taped it to my monitor.

    "I will not get angry. He is making decisions that affect his life, not my life. I cannot waste my energy being angry."

    It helped for a week.
    But it's a start!
