Wednesday, August 26, 2009

36 weeks

Well folks I have made it to 36 weeks. I go to the Dr. this afternoon, I will be going off of my anti contraction meds. I have been contracting the whole time, so now it's about how intense it's going to be. I made another trip to the L&D on Sunday evening. I was having pain that I hadn't had before and lower than before. It was the first time that I really thought they might take him. I say take him because he is still breach.

I am up at the crack of dawn today, usually I wake up with my husband and I am able to go back to sleep. Today, not so much. I have a headache this morning, which I had last night. I also have a ton on my mind. I have decided not to fight it, I can always take a nap later. My list of things to do is growing by leaps and bounds.

Sen. Kennedy died last night, sad to me. I hope the democrats continue to stay strong, lord knows we need it. What a year already for people passing. Weird to think that my son will be born in the same year that all of these influential people passed.

My sister came in yesterday, she is here for a week. It's always good to see her, we miss her here. I do envy her sometimes, single, independent, living in another city. It is kinda sad to me that she won't be here when Austin is growing up, that being said, I am very sure she will be his favorite auntie :)

I will post more after my Dr. appointment. Until then, here's to crossing things off of my list!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm available this weekend if you need anything! Just remember this is all temporary pain! Tell MB Hi for me!
    Love Ya
