Friday, August 7, 2009

bed rest week whatever the hell week it is

So I went to the Dr. on Wednesday. I was thinking that she was going to send me back to work since I have contracted since being on two pills a day. I was nervous about it, but at the same time we need the money. Never mind that moving more than 15 minutes at a time causes great discomfort and the baby is getting lower and lower. Anyway, she measured me, listened to his heart, and we spoke a little. Then I said "am I going to be going back to work", and without any hesitation on her part my Dr. said "no". She said "we will be taking it week by week, but most likely you will not being going back until after the baby arrives". Wow. I am glad in some ways, but terrified in others. Mostly terrified because how in the hell are we going to afford this????????? There's not a lot I can do about it, as the most important thing is to keep Austin and I healthy. So initially I was secretly glad that about that decision.
Jump to two days later and I am a mess. I am bored, nothing interests me but watching TV and then I get annoyed because there's only so much I can watch. I don't want to read, which is so super weird for me. I only shower every other day (TMI). My poor husband, I cling to him like no body's business when he gets home and he needs to decompress too. Plus I look really hot to him with my stained shirt and my hair that looks like the scene in "There's something about Mary".
I also have a huge confession. In Oct. I got a speeding ticket, and I contested it, and they said to damn bad. So it's like a $400 ticket. So I made payment arrangements and I made payments. Well then I started losing what mind I had left and I forgot to pay a couple months. Now all of a sudden I am sent to collections, AND I am being threatened to have my license suspended. So I have to make calls and figure it all out. #1, there's nothing I hate more than making phone calls. I need a personal assistant that will work for free to do this for me. My husband hates calling too so that's no help.
#2, now I have to pay twice as much on month than I was before, and all on one income. One more burden for my husband to bear, because of me. I am a lucky girl that he puts up with me.

So here's hoping that I won't go stark raving mad in the next 7 weeks. That's right I STILL HAVE 7 WEEKS TO GO.

I am also having major anxiety about what the hell am I gonna do with a baby! I am grateful that next weekend is our birthing classes, I am hoping this will help a great deal.

Ok so after reading this, please no body call to commit me.

The end

1 comment:

  1. Oh, if it weren't for this damn job, I would come over and entertain you. I do a mean tap dance. Stay strong, girly! Only 7 more weeks!

    That's not much help, is it? Sorry.
